Spam Last Week
This route allows you to retrieve data about how many posts were marked as spam and were true positives, for each website in the past week.
HTTP/1.1 GET /api/spam/last_week
"3D Printing": 6,
"Academia": 4,
"Android Enthusiasts": 7,
"Anime & Manga": 4,
"Arduino": 4,
"Arqade": 5,
"Ask Different": 64,
"Ask Patents": 3,
"Ask Ubuntu": 222,
"Astronomy": 30,
"Aviation": 1,
"Biblical Hermeneutics": 1,
"Bicycles": 1,
"Biology": 1,
"Bitcoin": 9,
"Chemistry": 2,
"CiviCRM": 1,
"Code Review": 1,
"Computer Graphics": 1,
"Computer Science": 2,
"Craft CMS": 1,
"Database Administrators": 1,
"Drupal Answers": 59,